Specialists in Cross-Cultural Couples, Seniors, & ADHD Counselling


Therapy for Individuals & Couples Across BC

Welcome to
Soothe Counselling

We are a counseling practice specializing in counseling for Cross-Cultural-Couples,  Seniors, and individuals struggling with emotion regulation. 

Our mission is to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals and couples can navigate the unique challenges of cross-cultural relationships, the transitions that come with aging, and the complexities of emotion regulation. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective support that empowers our clients to overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and achieve greater emotional wellness and relational harmony.

We offer in person sessions and virtual (via video or phone) so clients can access our services from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for travel or in-person appointments. 

Our Services

Phone & Video Counselling Across BC

Cross-Cultural Couples Counseling

We create a safe and supportive space for cross-cultural couples to thrive in their relationships, embracing and celebrating their unique differences with love and understanding.

Seniors Counselling

We provide specialist counseling for seniors that is flexible and convenient to help seniors navigate various life transitions, whether it’s adjusting to retirement, coping with health changes, or addressing the emotional aspects of growing older together.

ADHD Counselling

Our specialized ADHD counseling services offer compassionate support and effective strategies to help you manage symptoms and thrive in your daily life.